
Glace clementines
Glace clementines

glace clementines

Store in an airtight tin.A 150g jar of beautiful French clementine halves soaked in syrup! Corsiglia offers this bright orange-colored sweet treat that carries mellow textures and no bitterness, as it sustains the natural flavor of clementines. Brush a little of the warm marmalade over the top, decorate with the candied fruits and nuts, then brush with the remaining marmalade. Put the cake on a board or serving plate.

glace clementines

  • To decorate the cake, warm the no-peel marmalade in a small pan.
  • Repeat once a week until you’re ready to decorate the cake. Drizzle over 1 tbsp Drambuie, then re-wrap. Next day, unwrap and spike the base of the cake all over with a skewer. Wrap in clean baking paper and foil, then store in a cool dark place.
  • Remove the cake from the tin, then peel off the baking paper.
  • Take the cake out of the oven and let it cool completely in the tin.

    glace clementines

    Put the paper on top of the cake tin, slide onto a low oven shelf and bake for 4-4½ hours, or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.

  • Take a large sheet of baking paper and fold in half – it should still generously cover the top of the tin.
  • Make deep indentations all over the surface of the cake mixture using the handle of a wooden spoon. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and level the top.
  • Fold in the rest of the flour, the soaked fruits and any remaining liquid, the walnuts, treacle and marmalade.
  • (If the mixture looks like it’s about to split or curdle, mix in a tablespoon or two of the sifted flour.) In another bowl, cream the butter with an electric hand mixer until pale, then add the sugar and beat well for 5 minutes until fluffy.
  • Sift the flour, salt, baking powder and spices into a bowl.
  • This stops the outside cooking too quickly.

    glace clementines

    Tie a thick, wide strip of folded newspaper around the outside of the tin, put more folded newspaper on a baking tray and put the cake tin on top. Grease and line a deep 23cm heavy-gauge cake tin with baking paper, then grease the paper. The next day, preheat the oven to 140☌/fan120☌/gas 1.Tip into a bowl, cover and leave overnight. Bring to the boil, stirring, then cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Put the glacé cherries, dried fruit and candied peel in a large pan, then add the Drambuie, zest and juice.

    Glace clementines