
Download gamepress fgo
Download gamepress fgo

download gamepress fgo

Overwrite the data in PostgreSQL when importing. Max overflow for SQLAlchemy connection pool.

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Default pool size for SQLAlchemy connection pool. Because the rayshift data is updated continously, web and quest endpoints have lower cache time. How long to cache the quest and war endpoints in seconds. If set, will clear the redis cache on start and when the webhook above is used. REDISDSN: Redis DSN to a Redis server for caching.Not all regions are required in the object.

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DATA: A JSON object with keys being region and values being gamedata's folder location and Postgresql DSN.You can make a config.json file at the project root with the settings. List of configuration variables for the main app. You can download the fgo-api-types package. If you are looking for only the type definitions and enums. Transform the raw game data into something a bit more manageable.

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